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The Experts Speak

A Free Podcast Series

From The Florida Psychiatric Society

Hosted by Abbey Strauss, M.S.W., M.D.

American Psychiatric Association Warren Williams Assembly Speaker’s 2019 Award

This is an educational project. Use the information to ask questions.

Ask your health care provider before making any clinical changes.

Information may have changed since the interview was recorded.

Opinions are not necessarily those of the Florida Psychiatric Society

or the Palm Beach County Medical Society.

Visit The Archives for past issues.  Comments: Florida Psychiatric Society

We now have over 320 episodes.  More to come. Thanks for listening!


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 Psychiatry continues to be genuinely concerned.

Everybody: Reduce Co2 footprints & Plant At Least Two Trees

 Red asterisks speak to climate change podcasts

Climate Change Does Modify Mental Health

Use ‘real facts’ about Climate Change


Marijuana: A Realistic Update – Aldo Morales, M.D., psychiatrist and addictionologist, provides from experience a no-nonsense and balanced overview of cannabis use, issues with quality control of dispensary products, understanding addiction levels, the need for research and the topics being explored, worries if used in a still developing brain, the cannabis abuse disorder, etc. August 2023 Listen

Helping Young Children Resist Substance Abuse - Linda Reihs is an educator, author, and substance abuse counselor. She promotes non-drug use with ‘knowing’ and not just ‘saying no’, teaching resilience, parents’ and siblings’ roles, not getting help to needy students especially when they move into middle school, keeping kids on a good track, the experiential preventive mode, literature to create ego-building strengths, framing designs for each day, of ‘no failures-just delayed successes,’ etc. This is a valuable perspective from many in-school experiences. July2023  Listen

Psilocybin Use in Oregan and Colorado. -- Two different systems for psilocybin use. Wired Magazine posted an excellent podcast, presented here. Many clinical and political concerns. Worth a careful listen and discussion. June 2023  Listen

Real Experiences - How Policies Help Or Worsen The Substance Abuse Challenge.   Jeff Singer, M.D., senior fellow at the Cato Institute, who gave Congressional testimony, speaks to the fascinating Iron Law of Prohibition issue, the need to overcome old mythologies, nuances, and stigmas about the problem, etc. A very lively, pithy, yet necessary historical and contemporary offering of hard reduction and other key insights and thoughts. In conjunction with the Palm Beach County Medical Society. May 2023  Listen

The Power Of The Family and Other Systems in Adolescent Drug Abuse Treatment. John Dyben, Ph.D., with a primarily psychosocial approach to addiction, but also of appropriate medication use, discusses that kids  grow up and mature too quickly; of essential family and system treatments; that addiction is a chronic illness; of social-cultural message influences; to make ‘healthy’ the new norm; to connect to the whole person; the power of fellowship and conjoint family activities, etc. A reflective listen. In conjunction with the Palm Beach County Medical Society. May 2023. Listen

Workable and Real Concepts About The Nature of Addiction.  Daryl Shorter, M.D., offers functional and pragmatic contexts of addiction, of what leads to successful remission, the key essentials of biological versus psychological origins, that all substance use is not always abuse, etc. April 2023. Listen

Slavery And Its Ongoing Psychosocial Legacy – Benjamin Bowser, Ph.D., sociologist, gives the legacy’s history, that it still remains a very potent contributor to racism, of the cultural based post-traumatic slave syndrome, of what slavery did  to the psychology of the slaves and how much of that still lives to this date, and of the origin and legacy of whiteness, Jim Crow, etc. Intriguing, captivating, perhaps painful, but so necessary to study and discuss. February 2023  Listen

LGBTQ+, Stigma, And The Hospice Experience -- Kimberly Aquaviva, Ph.D., M.S.W., begins with her family experiences and why they refused hospice care for her partner. She then gives a overview of current discriminations, inadequate training, and other challenges when hospice and LGBTQ+ patients should function together. Instructive and telling observations. March 2023   Listen

Safely Mixing Buprenorphine And Fentanyl -- Sarah Kawasaki, M.D., details the challenges of safely mixing buprenorphine and fentanyl. The mere number of fentanyl overdoses, be it knowing or not knowing fentanyl was consumed, requires preparing for possible clinical dangers of too rapidly using buprenorphine. Definite protocols are used and are being studied. Essential clinical data. March 2023   Listen

Dextromethorphan – An Old Drug With A New Psychiatric Use -- Richard Jackson, MD, psychiatrist, introduces us to the use of dextromethorphan in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. He provides an overview, experiences, how it is currently being used as an antidepressant and why it is formulated as it is. A good outline. February 2023 Listen

Stigma – Origin and Reduction -- Heather Howard., PhD, MSW, speaks to her study of how to address stigma, from those who express it to those who receive it. She talks of how this can effect readiness to ask for help. Leaves the listener with insightful thoughts and ways to reduce it. Much of her work as been with shame, past traumas, and /or substance abuse in women during pregnancy. Easy to understand, yet scholarly. February 2023 Listen

Psychotherapy – How To Frame It, How To Use It – Stefan Pasternak, M.D., on how the therapist-patient relationship is the cornerstone of psychotherapy, and about the challenges of developing a goal for the therapy, the physiologic and medication aspects of therapy, of coming to an accurate diagnosis, cognitive versus psychodynamic techniques, psychological mindedness, when a change of therapist may be needed, etc. January 2023  Listen

Learn from the Past #3 - These Wires Carry Words!Broadcast on July 1, 1946, by Advances in Research, this 15 minute radio piece is an excellent, fluid and valuable historical review of our developing communication tools, with stories about, and credits to, the scientists and thinkers who started the process that brought us to our ever-expanding dependence on electronic communications. It has a delightful 1940’s flare. From the public domain. Posted December 2022. Listen

Ketamine – Rakesh Jain, M.D., gives its history, how it works, why it is so different and its enticing future, the roles of glutamate and GABA, nasal versus intravenous forms, the value of concurrent psychotherapy, etc. Succinct and thorough. November 2022   Listen

*Learn From The Past  #2 - Nikola Tesla’s 1937 Predictions From the February 1937 Liberty Magazine interview, as told to George Viereck, the distinctive inventor accurately predicts much of our current world, on war, the changing of women’s roles, energy, environmental and social shifts, computers, the internet, etc. He was incorrect on some items, but perhaps only as of yet. 11 Minutes.  Observant & thoughtworthy. Adapted from YouTube and Magellan Streaming. October 2022. Listen

*Learn From The Past #1  - Our Water – Its Role, Its Supply, And Our Needs - A 14 minute audio from the National Association of Manufacturer’s 1950’s educational and advocacy piece of the then appreciations and concerns with useable and sustainable water, including draughts and floods,  in our community lives and our biosphere. Imagine what the producers would say now, over 65 years later. October 2022. Listen

A Drug Czar Speaks To Substance Abuse Policy Issues – John Hulick, the current Palm Beach County and the former NJ State Drug Czar, on his mandates, the revising of policy models and choices, of getting thick-skinned statistics, his personal family substance abuse experiences, the massive need to educate, to increase capacity by reducing recidivism, that often less expensive and lengthier softer care produces better outcomes, and the challenges of funding and creating both preventive systems, interventions, and adequate and skilled long term follow-up care. Sept 2022  Listen

Monkeypox – Larry Bush, M.D., infectious disease specialist, details the history of this virus, its characteristics, hosts and vectors, the already existing treatments and unique aspects of the monkeypox vaccine, the relationship to smallpox, how to approach such an infection, the reappearance of polio and measles, and a true overview and insightful look at the three real and desired endpoints of vaccine development and use. August 2022  Listen

Keeping The Healers Healthy - For Doctor’s Day, 2022, at the West Palm Beach VA Hospital, psychiatrist Abbey Strauss spoke that physicians must accept they are also regular people with the full inventory of emotional problems, how to deal with compassion and other fatigues, the high physician suicide rate, to not be alone, how to get and use help, and the decisive value of keeping themselves healthy, honest, and not embarrassed or scared. These themes actually apply to everyone. August 2022.  Listen

*Climate Change Questions That Psychiatrists Need To Ask Both Themselves and Their Patients - Psychiatrists Beth Hasse and David Pollack pose such questions, including those about eco-anxiety and when to - or not to - bring these issues into the treatment activity. Very timely given the current worldwide heat waves. Much talk of how vital and evolving diagnostic and treatment strategies are developing to proportion treatments to all existent domains of life, which now include climate matters. July 2022. Listen

Might Addiction Not Be A Disease? –  Carl Fisher, M.D., psychiatrist at Columbia University, argues that ‘disease’ is the wrong concept as he outlines the urge leading to addictive behaviors, that it oversimplifies, what is the place of free will, the three broad reasons fostering addictions, various social mitigators, long term outcomes, and his own recovery from alcoholism. Posted also with the Palm Beach Medical Society Opiate Task Force. June 2022  Listen

Life With One’s Own Adult Children Who Suffer Mental Illness. – Maria, using only her first name, candidly shares her feelings and life being the parent of the adult mentally ill. She discusses the process of learning and accepting this reality, the parental pain, the differences between she, whose children are still alive, and those whose children died by suicide or otherwise, the importance of helping others and getting support groups, to find the right questions to ask, of when one must let go for a period, of one’s personal life, etc. She is a platform from which to gain insight and strength. June 2002. Listen

Old But Still True: On Addiction.  Former US Drug Czar Robert DuPont, M.D., in 1997, outlines the theories of all addictions, what it does to the brain, the roles of pleasure, honesty, character, family and background, risk-taking aversion or comfort, preventions and treatments, the importance of AA and NA, the relative risks of some becoming addicted or not, nicotine and alcohol use, etc. He wrote “The Selfish Brain.” This interview contains so much wisdom about the same problems that continue to exist after 25 years.  Posted also with Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. Recorded in 1997; reposted June 2022. Listen

The Pandemic Kids – Priti Kothari, child psychiatrist, outlines how the different age groups suffered differently during the pandemic, the educational and social pressures and delays, the need perhaps of a gap year to catch up, disruptive behaviors with the reasoning fundamental to treatment approaches, etc. Thoughtful concerns about what happened and how to offset any setbacks. June 2022. Listen

Extended Quantities Of Take Home Opioid Agonists in Opioid Disorder Treatment. Tara Gomes, epidemiologist in Ontario, Canada, speaks to enlightening research that larger quantities of take home buprenorphine and methadone, and as such are multi-day dose packets, can be safe and productive in stabilized patients. The project was partially in response to covid caused travel restrictions. Some of the results was that this strategy reduced barriers, the fears of increased overdoses were unfounded, and it maintained treatment. This is like the U.S. methadone maintenance clinic model but within the Canadian structure.  Done with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. May 2022. Listen

Violence and School Shootings.  Phil Heller, Psy.D., a forensic psychologist, worked with many, including teenagers, who committed deadly violence. His notes and ground level comments from 12 years ago are still so true today. From our archives. Recorded February 2008 Listen

Emergency Room Approaches and Protocols For Substance Abusers. Steve Keen, M.D., gives a very detailed discussion of his real-time, on-going emergency room program, with specifics on how to rapidly stabilize, start medication assisted treatment, give psychosocial interventions and follow up referrals, deal with shame or patient’s hesitancy, the challenging omnipresence of fentanyl and related new drugs, etc.  Done with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. May 2022. Listen

Harm Reduction Strategies With Opiate Abusers – Journalist, and former opiate abuser Maia Szalavitz, defines harm reduction as keeping people from getting hurt rather than stopping them from getting high, that needle exchange encourages treatment, of needing good coping skills before giving up the substance, what changed her life, her work to promote harm reduction, etc. An honest and energetic discussion. Done with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force, May 2022. Listen

The Strong Benefits Of Suboxone Use During Incarceration – Elizabeth Evans, PhD, associate professor at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, reports that giving Suboxone to jailed opiate using prisoners significantly reduced legal recidivism and other post release relapse and morbidity. Lisen to the encouraging details of her the study, and to her current and related future work. Done in collaboration the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. April 2022. Listen

Biphasic And Segmented Sleep – It Was Once “The Normal”.  Roger Ekirch, PhD, a historian at Virginia Tech, on our different sleep patterns that were normal before the industrial revolution.  A fascinating look at sleep patterns, the first and second sleeps, and the social and biological drives and basis of how we sleep. March 2022. Listen

Changes In Psychotherapy’s Focus Because Of Covid. Roz Malmaud, PhD, and Andy Rosen, PhD, note that patients are now focusing more on the pre-Covid, usual problems. Both discuss, however, issues with telemedicine’s legal and insurance matters, being unable to give patients questionnaires to complete or handouts for them to use, to see how they interact in the waiting rooms, the real paradigm shifts away from traditional therapy arrangements and schedules, and of how patients must learn how to tolerate social uncertainty, etc. The need for telemedicine during the pandemic brought many therapeutic methods to new notions that need refinement and integration insofar as to how we now communicate and interact. The tools are different. March 2022 Listen

Balanced Pain Management – Lynn Webster, M.D., discusses issues of over and under use of pain medications, his research on dosing and response issues, the critical psychological components in pain management, the correct use of non-opioid medications and non-medicinal pain treatments, changing attitudes towards pain management, etc. An articulate and experienced based discussion. Done in collaboration with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. February 2022.  Listen

Opiate Abuse & Overdose In The Elderly – Lori Ann Post, Ph.D., describes the dramatic recent increase in overdose deaths in this group, gender and other demographics, causes, interventions, and the on-going studies to better define and reduce this horrible social and emotional affliction. Done with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. February 2022. Listen

ERAS: Effective Techniques Enhancing Recovery and Better Controlling Post-Operative Pain.  Luke Elms, M.D., straightforwardly addresses ERAS’s (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) beneficial medical and psychological strategies for compassionate pain control, of faster recovery with fewer complications, to help patients emotionally prepare for surgery and how this may reduce post-surgery pain leading to subsequent improper pain medication use, about surgery and pain control in patients with opiate use problems, etc. Done with the Palm Beach Medical Society Opiate Task Force. January 2020. Listen

Covid Updates – The Variants, The Vaccines, & The New Pills. Infectious disease specialist Larry Bush, M.D., explains mutations, monoclonal antibodies, vaccine history and use, boosters, B cells and T cells, and the safe use of the potentially game-changing arrivals of the Pfizer and Merck medications. Dec 2021. Listen

Physicians In Recovery – Giving Them Jobs. Steve Chambers, M.D, hires these physicians to help them return to a fuller and productive life. He talks of the joy, pitfalls, rules, approaches, and real gifts evolving from offering these opportunities. This episode is part of the Physician’s Wellness Project of the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. Dec 2021  Listen

Psychological Support To Patients With Cancer – Darci McNally, M.S.W., Director of Support at the Lynn Cancer Institute in Florida, speaks of how they address patients with cancer, the emotional needs, the psychological fatigue, different interventions, community supports, etc. This is a heartfelt, valuable, and seasoned guide for patient’s and their families during the cancer experience. November 2021  Listen

Attention Deficit Disorder – Ludmila de Faria, psychiatrist, conveys her approach to explaining and treating this disorder, its historical and biological origins, the diagnostic nuances, and the necessary interaction of the medical and psychological domains. She also comments on what happens when marijuana is added to this condition. November 2021. Listen

New Approaches To The Perioperative Use Of Buprenorphine – Lynn Kohan, M.D., an anesthesiologist, speaks to the attitudes towards, and the effectiveness and strategies of, using buprenorphine to obtain pain and psychological relief in both treated and untreated opioid using surgical patients. She discusses the MOUD – an acronym for the Medication treatment of Opioid Use Disorderin regards to both the critical medical, surgical, and psychological clinical treatment concerns and protocols, discharge planning, etc.  Produced in collaboration with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. November 2021 Listen

The Benefits Of The More Aggressive Use Of Buprenorphine In The Emergency Room -  Andrew Herring, M.D., and Arianna Campbell, P.A., outline, give history, and reflect on opioid using people presenting to an ER, of how this technique better engages patients and gives more rapid symptom relief, when and how to use these dosing strategies, of the areas that are still unknown and need study, of the rising opioid overdose deaths and addiction, and, most critically, to the definite psychological benefits this approach gives to all involved. Produced in collaboration with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. November 2021 Listen

Hospice And The Covid Challenge. Christine McMichael, Executive Director of the Hospice and Palliative Care Foundation of Massachusetts, speaks of the hospice mandate despite the Covid world, and how, with commitment and resilience, the hospice community rose to that obligation. She also speaks to the emotional tolls and reactions within the hospice staff and the patients and families for whom they provided service. October 2021  Listen

* Working With The Psychological And Social Realities Of Climate Change.  Gary Belkin, M.D., psychiatrist, and former Deputy Commissioner of the NYC Health Department, on why he sees the present climate changes as so extraordinarily urgent and critical, and how communities and individuals can, without rhetoric or panic, implement essential changes using concepts such as the ‘social climate,’ etc. Timely. October 2021. Listen

A Physician’s Addiction And Recovery Such That He Is Again Practicing Medicine. Alan Schwartz, M.D., now an addictionologist, on his addiction, the gut-level nature of addiction, of absolutely needing others to undo his addiction and failures, the shame and stigma hurdles, the on-going maintenance of recovery, and how it did not destroy his career. Produced in collaboration with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. September 2021. Listen

* Four Short Stories - Why Mental Health Providers Worry About Climate Change.  Four mental health providers share their personal stories. They speak to the urgent need to plan for and teach both community and mental health resilience as we face climate changes. Done in collaboration with the Climate Psychiatry Alliance. September 2021. Listen

* Climate Change Heat Is A Public Health Problem. Caroline Dumont, M.D., from Yale University, outlines the frequent and critical impacts of prolonged hot weather and heat waves on our mental health, suicide rates, productivity, problems with access to staying cool, medical issues, etc. A brief but very timely synopsis to consider. Done conjointly with the Climate Psychiatry Alliance. September 2021. Listen

Covid Vaccinations – A Through Overview. Larry Bush, M.D., infectious disease specialist and researcher, plainly yet scientifically reviews the mRNA history, risk/benefits, on-going studies, mutations and variants, how vaccinations work, boosters, etc., and the true benefits they give the recipients. August 2021. Listen

Into And Out Of My Addiction – A Doctor’s Personal Story. Richard Morgan, D.O., explicitly tells how his addiction started, grew out of control, his legal problems including lengthy jail time, and what he learned and uses to support his on-going recovery. An extraordinarily honest and grassroots unmasking. Done jointly with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. July 2021. Listen

Managing Opioid Use During Pregnancy. Kay Roussos-Ross, M.D., obstetrician and psychiatrist, clearly outlines these concurrent challenges insofar as screening, legal and postpartum issues, perinatal care, medications for cravings or psychiatric conditions, community services, etc. Done in partnership with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. June 2021. Listen

A Novel Physical Therapy Approach To Pain Reduction. Physical Therapist Jeff Frankart describes the history and use of an evolving new approach to pain, without needing PT machines, advanced while he worked with combat injured soldiers in US Military Hospitals, the role and reduction of pain medication use, that after training it can be done at home, etc. April 2021. Listen

Being The Child Of German Holocaust Survivors – Life As A 2G - Saerina Tauritz was born in a displacement camp after liberation during World War II. This is her story, her insights, experiences, and emotional heirlooms, of what it was like to have that as part of her history, to be a 2G – a second generation - and then to grow up and eventually have her own family in the United States. April 2021 Listen

Substance Abuse Screening Tests – Strengths and Weaknesses – Richard Saitz, M.D, from Boston, speaks to the strengths, weaknesses, and importance of standardized scales such as the SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment), to identify patients with risky substance use patterns that need acknowledgement and treatment. Conjointly produced with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. March 2021 Listen

Another Medical Doctor Talks About His Own Addiction And Recovery, Attitudes, and Needed Interventions. Peter Grinspoon, M.D., from Boston, speaks to his own addiction and recovery. He follows with a frank and energetic focus on the how and why of addicted physicians, the role of medications and buprenorphine, what is helpful to recovery, the position of regulatory agencies, basic definitions of addiction, etc. Done in conjunction with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. February 2021. Listen

A Physician Speaks About His Own Addiction and His On-Going Recovery - Sean Fogler, M.D., discusses his history and recovery. He addresses key mental health needs for physicians, professional attributes that can impede recovery, stigma, personal connections, how he maintains recovery, addiction as a disease, etc., all done with sincerity, candor, and hope. This interview done with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. January 2021  Listen

* Nuclear Weapons Are Still Here. Robert Gould, M.D., reminds us that these lethal devices remain as real dangers to our ecosystems and our lives and communities. He speaks to the history, the treaties, and what is being done and what is needed, to prevent these real hazards and unthinkable damages with devices that still be here after Covid-19. December 2020 Listen

The New Covid-19 Vaccines – Real History, Real Strengths, Real Concerns. Larry Bush, M.D., infectious disease specialist, discusses the origin and expected clinical benefits  of  the vaccines now appearing, when to use them, of multiple vaccinations, different age and risk groups, etc.  November 2020Listen

An Uncomplicated Office Tool To Screen For Substance Abuse – Bertha Madras, M.D., former US Deputy Drug Czar and currently a professor at Harvard University, discusses the widely used evidence based Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral To Treatment (SBIRT) tool, to identify patients with such conditions, as well as its history, reliability, etc. Co-posted with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. November 2020Listen

Medical Marijuana – A Status Update.  Kathleen Brady, M.D., Ph.D., from the Medical University of South Carolina, addresses the changing relationships in our society to marijuana as a medicine. She speaks to what is known and not known about the common and current formulations of cannabis use, what clinical signals are being seen, the need for additional studies, etc. November 2020. Listen

Racism – Its Origin, Its Characteristics, and Thoughts on How to Reduce Or Remove It.  Benjamin Bowser, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the California State University, speaks to the various and material aspects of racism, of the progress thus far in matters of racism, and what ground level cultural changes must occur for substantive changes to follow. October 2020 Listen

* Better Understand Mental Health Conditions – A New Concept. Lise Van Susteren, M.D., proposes that stresses produce an ‘Emotional Inflammation.’ She wrote a book about it, in which she discusses this interesting concept, its origins and manifestations, the impact of Covid-19 and climate changes, and then practical ways to reduce it.  September 2020 Listen

If, And How, Does Covid Shift The Themes, Styles And Goals of Psychotherapy?  Roz Malmaud, Ph.D., and Andy Rosen, Ph.D., both seasoned psychotherapists, discuss some of changes, themes, and pivot points that telemedicine and the Covid crisis produce, and how it may modify – or not -- the styles and goals of psychotherapy. August 2020 Listen

* Food Insecurity, Covid, Climate Change, Poverty And Job Loss: Will These Take Us Closer To A “2020 Vision” Level Of Discussion Of Our World?   Bashyam  Iyengar, M.D., returns to expand on the reality of these issues, with a focus on the growing incidence of food insecurity, the types and origins of insecurity, interventions, etc., and the interplays within the above items. This is further highlighted by the current hurricane season overlapping the covid need for service reallocations and therefore limits of support systems. August 2020  Listen

* What We Can’t See Can Hurt Us – Probing Particulate Matter In “Our” Air. Philip Landrigan, M.D., from Boston College, explains the nature, origin, and health impact of particulate matter in our air, that it can cause preterm births, cardiovascular and other diseases, of the wholesome advances we had made to reduce it, but now of worrisome new set-backs. August 2020  Listen

A Better Way To Stop Pain Medications. Travis Rieder, Ph.D., a bioethicist at Johns Hopkin Medical School, speaks to the problems he had in getting proper medical guidance to stop his pain medicine use after personally suffering a brutal accident. He is candid and open to the benefits and concerns of opioid use, acute versus chronic pain, and the need to educate prescribers how to properly start, and how to properly discontinue, pain medications. This is co-posted with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. August 2020  Listen

Covid and the Neuroscience of Social Isolation - Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, professor of psychiatry at the University of Heidelberg, gives a clear, 5 minute overview of brain function, socialization, problems with isolation, of how social network size is associated with survival, management, etc., both with covid and other crises. This, with permission, is the audio of his YouTube talk. August 2020 Listen

The Covid and The Mask – One Minute of Needed Historical Perspective.  A friend sent me this link. I am still looking for hard data on the producers. Many thanks to them, however. This piece is too important not to immediately distribute. July 2020. Watch.

Medical Ethics And The Opioid Crisis: A Discussion. Kenneth Goodman, MD, a medical ethicist from Miami, candidly speaks to the state of, and changes within, medicine’s proper use of opioids, legitimate pain, addiction, medical education, the philosophy of medication marketing, the history of “Pain As The 5th Vital Sign”  notions, etc. This is done in conjunction with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Opiate Task Force. July 2020Listen

* Climate Changes And Other Events That Can Increase Homelessness. Bashyam Iyengar, M.D., practices family medicine with the homeless in Northeast Florida. He offers  his observations about the not often considered associations of climate change (e.g., storms, etc.)  and other similar events (e.g., Covid-19, etc.) that could also cause a fall into homelessness, and how communities should understand, change, prepare, and respond.  June 2020. Listen

US Supreme Court Rules On Sexual Discrimination. In June 2020, the US Supreme Court ruled, in a 6-3 decision, that job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender is prohibited by law. This has been called one of the most important legal decisions regarding the LGBT rights in the United States. An untold number of people suffer many mental health complications because of the fear of discrimination. Attached is the October 2019 oral argument and the court’s written decision (lengthy). It’s important to know the logic and the details. June 2020. Listen To The Argument   Read The Decision

The Emotional and Mechanical Aspects of Hospice Care During The Pandemic. Webinar #5.  Samantha Brooker and Kathleen Diamond, from the Old Colony Hospice in Massachusetts, discuss the challenges for family, patients, and staff, as they deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, wanting to keep the hospice mandates, and trying to safely help everyone during this time of extraordinary multiple human tests. Hosted by the Palm Beach County Medical Society. June 2020 Listen

Opioid Abuse and Covid-19 – Two Ongoing Crises – Urgencies, Interplays, Approaches.  Robert Stutman, retired chief of the NYC DEA office, now works to reduce the origins and impacts of the opioid use disorder, about the on-going high overdose statistics, of political and socially meaningful issues of awareness, treatments, and stigma hurdles, etc. He also has concern about its co-morbidity with the covid pandemic. Many interesting thoughts. This episode is the project of the Palm Beach County Medical Society, and is co-posted with us. June 2020. Listen

* Heat Waves, Pregnancy, and Psychiatry. Dolores Malaspina, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, Mt Sinai Medical School, New York, on heat’s association to pre-term birth, to the combination of heat with use of psychiatric medications during and pregnancy, and also to the data suggesting later resultant psychiatric and medical problems, etc.  June 2020Listen

Will There Be A Therapeutic Role for Psilocybin? Carol Mathews, M.D., from the University of Florida, speaks to the history of this class of molecules, and to the current research exploring its potential role as a psychotherapeutic agent. May 2020. Listen

Children, Teenagers, Older People – Dealing With The Psychological Aspects of Covid-19. Webinar #4. Psychiatrist Samantha Saltz and Psychologist Robert Spiro engage in a lively and practical discussion on dealing with behavioral pressures and changes, fear and uncertainty, parental authority, honesty, the role of language style in families, etc., during this crisis. Hosted by the Palm Beach County Medical Society. May 2020. Listen

Glutamate: The Increasing Need To Know About It. Rakesh Jain, M.D., a psychopharmacologist, provides a straightforward and detailed overview of glutamate’s multiple key roles in medicine and psychiatric functions. Recorded March 2020. Listen

More About Mental Health Issues Related To The Pandemic: Webinar #3. Drs. Pasternack, Schillinger and Strauss panel a detailed discussion of the current and potential long term post-pandemic effects of these stresses on physicians and others, with attention to time tested strategies and practical interventions. Hosted by the Palm Beach County Medical Society. May 2020  Listen

Herd Immunity - Its Role In Public Health – Infectious disease specialist Larry Bush, M.D., explains the concept and how it is used, especially in public health decisions. Timely information given the re-opening of areas of our community. He also updates regarding transmission, treatment and vaccine developments.  April 2020Listen

Personal Anxiety and That In The People With Whom We Work. Webinar #2. Hosted April 16, 2020, from the Palm Beach County Medical Society, these are some of the more established, practical, and durable suggestions to psychologically steady all of us through the related anxieties. April 2020.  Listen

Inside More? Keep Cleaner Air At Home -- Tips. This pamphlet is from a joint project of My Green and the Florida Medical Society. April 2020. Read

Emotional Care Of The Elderly and Demented During The Pandemic – This is real but under discussed challenge. Three psychiatric nurses speak to maintaining good care and how telemedicine doesn’t always work with these patients. Valarie Kolbert, ARNP, Keith Jones, ARNP, Jorge Padron, ARNP.  April 2020  Listen

Proper Psychotherapy For Pandemic Triggered Anxiety -- Andy Rosen is a psychologist who discusses the mixture of established and additional approaches needed for pandemic related anxiety, but also about how patients can better know who to choose as a psychotherapist, especially given the large number of internet offerings for psychotherapy. April 2020 Listen

COVID-19 - A Community Forum: Realistic Anxiety In ‘All’ Health Care Workers. Webinar #1.  Hosted on April 2, 2020 by the Palm Beach County Medical Society, on issues and self-management ideas of stress and other changes facing everyone in health care, including office staff. April 2020. Listen

During the Pandemic - Teach Grandma to Be Smart-Phone Savvy.  Call anybody you think needs advanced training with their smart-phones -- a grandparent, an uncle, whomever. Ask them if they know how to face time or follow a text message link to make a video connection with their doctors or anybody else. If they don’t know, walk them through it the best you can. Many patients don’t know how to do this, get too easily flustered, etc. Maybe will call it #teachmecallme  Then give them a call every day or so. A call to them will feel as good as a call to you. April 2020

Food Insecurity and COVID-19 -- The Importance of Asking.  We understate the extent of food insecurity. Yesterday, an elderly, living alone patient, and only after gentle questioning, admitted she is too afraid to go food shopping. She can't afford ordering from restaurants. She also worried about our food supply. Plans were outlined for her to call friends, clergy, local food banks, etc. Asking people about their food supply gets a different kind of thank you. Watch CNBC’s piece on our food supply. April 2020.

The Emotional Impact of COVID-19 On Both Physicians And Their Patients.  Brent Schillinger, M.D., gives an thoughtful synopsis and dialogue on how to identify and address the anxiety and emotional responses to COVID-19 in themselves and in their patients, with uncluttered and frank ideas. (This episode is conjointly posted with the Palm Beach County Medical Society)  March 2020.  Listen

Fueling Protection – Coronavirus: Four Basic CDC Screening Questions.  This fuels protection and not the fire; the list may change. Monitor local health officials for directions. Talk to your doctor if you have any ‘yes’ answers. Continue to wash your hands, don’t touch your face, maintain social distance, don’t panic, don’t be indifferent, and act responsibly. Come back and listen (below) to Dr. Bush talk about the virus. March 2020. Listen.

E-gaming and Internet Addiction -- Etiology and Treatment. Brian Schaflin, M.S.W., treats teenagers and young adults for e-gaming and internet addictions. He explains the problem and offers an approach and treatment model. March 2020  Listen

Vaccines – What We Know, And What We Need To Know.  Larry Bush, M.D., specializes in infectious diseases. He explains vaccines, their uses and safety, real roles, new developments, etc. This podcast was done in partnership with the Palm Beach County Medical Society.  Posted here March 2020. Listen

Being Verbally Abused. Roz Malmaud, Ph.D., discusses what is all too common a palpably disruptive and destructive reality in many lives. She outlines the familiar characteristics and offers one therapeutic approach to the victims. February 2020. Listen

* Be “Bee” Savvy –Veterinarian Sid Lehr on the unyielding and interwoven roles that we and bees play in our common ecosystems, that they are food producing animals, of the pollination business, some history, killer bees, farming and insecticide practices, antibiotic use, how to approach swarms that temporarily bivouac, etc. February 2020 Listen

The Growing Problem of Physician Fatigue and Burnout – Psychiatrist Bruce Saltz speaks to the concepts, concerns, etiology, and recommendations to prevent and reduce physician burnout. His comments apply to many other people as well. This podcast was done in partnership with the Palm Beach County Medical Society. Posted here February 2020 Listen

The Corona Virus – An Eleven Minute Overview. Larry Bush, M.D., who specializes in infectious diseases, gives a succinct overview of the virus, the specific history, of medical and social concerns, how to manage, etc. January 2020 Listen 

* Are Cell Phones Medically Safe – Growing Concerns Anthony Miller, a physician and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, is part of the international EMF Scientist group’s petition to the UN and WHO to further study growing concerns and a growing database suggesting medical ill effects result from current extensive exposure to electromagnetic radiation, including fertility, cancer, developmental, school Wi-Fi, and other issues. The rise of the 5G cell phone system has unique concerns. This under-considered public health concern is discussed by Dr. Miller. January 2020. Listen

*  The 2018 IPCC Report on Climate Change. In 2015, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change asked the International Panel on Climate Change to, in 2018, report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius. This is that report.

Speaking To Young Children About Violence. Shortly after Robert Kennedy’s assassination in 1968, Fred Rogers, also known as Mr. Rogers, addressed the issue of the impact on young children of the extensive media coverage of violence. This is a four minute excerpt from a show that spoke to these issues. The concerns are equally true today and what better gift to give our children than stimulating ideas in the adults around those children on how to cope with problems that are increasingly prevalent. December 2019. Listen

* Climate Crises And Templates for Preparation and Intervention -  Learning From Post Hurricane Puerto Rico.  Carissa Caban Aleman is a psychiatrist at the Florida International University. She talks of her work in post hurricane Puerto Rico, gives us her hands-on experiences and templates on preparation and interventions, emotional issues, community activity, and also speaks to impending climate crises and changes that will need this type of planning and coordinations. December 2019  Listen

Mental Disabilities - US Supreme Court – Olmstead v LC., a 1999 decision that those with mental disabilities have the right to live in communities rather than institutions, with certain caveats. A pivotal case. This is the oral argument and Judge Ginsberg reads the decision. November Listen


Designing The Living Spaces in the Space Station. Terrance Glassman is an architect directly involved in this project. The discussions and issues surrounding so many human needs that faced the project are fascinating and illuminating. November 2019  Listen


* The Green Doctor’s Office. Todd Sach, M.D., discusses the ‘My Green Doctor’ program. Supported by many medical organizations, it brings a critical sustainability education format for better health for patient and staff. While it often saves money for medical offices, it more so shows how medical offices are community role models. October 2019. Listen


The Insanity Defense -- US Supreme Court.  The actual oral argument in Kahler vs Kansas, done October 7, 2019. Topics reflect the history and nature of legal, moral and psychiatric insanity, culpability, intentions and how one chooses to commit a crime or not, mens rea, etc. The court’s decision will be posted when available. October 2019.  Listen


* Urgent Public Health Concerns Regarding Climate Change’s Effects on Mental and General Health. David Pollack, M.D., speaks to timely issues that include the CAARE program, the critical need to further train health care providers and others, of the climate change first responders, the ‘once you know’ concept, his genuine belief that much can be done to prepare for the changes, etc. October 2019 Listen


Jung Explains Why His Friendship With Freud Ended.  From a 1959 BBC interview. One always benefits from listening to major thinkers.  October 2019. Listen.


* Climate Change Induced Anxiety. Janet Lewis, M.D., speaks to what is also being called ‘eco-anxiety’, about the emerging fears and anxieties stemming from climate changes, when people are overwhelmed by the rush of complex political and scientific declarations, of the need to discuss strategies to help adults and children deal with what they read and hear, the role of hope and advocacy, and so on. September 2019  Listen


* Air Pollution: The Impact on Mental Health.  Elizabeth Haase, M.D., defines air pollution and that the WHO ranks it as an under discussed major crisis. The inhaled particles cause various psychiatric and medical diseases in our bodies. She also speaks to the importance of, and how to discuss air pollution, even with children. August 2019  Listen


The Amazing Healing Power of Art. Aric Attas, an artist, twice suffered from cancers. Out of necessity he found ways to use art and music to ease his suffering. He now gives those techniques to others. He also speaks about the Arts in Medicine associated with the University of Florida and involvement in local cancer treatment centers. He was a guest on NPR in June 2019. August 2019 Listen


* Psychiatric Concerns: Heat Waves And  Behavior. Robin Cooper, MD., describes growing research and concerns that heat waves do indeed alter behavior, including increased suicide and other violence, productivity, medical concerns and the need for proper hydration and cooling, education, interventions, etc. August 2019  Listen

Insights From History That Explain Mental Health Approaches and Treatments. Fernando E Forcen, M.D. and Ph.D.,  psychiatrist and health historian, reviews the evolution of these topics from antiquity, through the Renaissance and later, mixing science and migrations, other cultural and societal issues up through today, etc.,  and the absolute value of this knowledge in modern mental health care. July 2019  Listen

Psychiatric Medications – Update And The TAAR Receptor, Inflammations, Glutamate, GABA, etc. Andy Cutler, M.D., researcher and clinician, speaks to the above issues and the changes, successes, and existing challenges in medication development and use.  (TAAR – Trace Amine Associated Receptor).  July 2019 Listen

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – Current Approaches, Family Dynamics, Interventions, Marijuana, etc. Samantha Saltz, M.D., on how to do a diagnosis, useful treatment types and integrations, the need to involve family, and thoughts about marijuana product consumption in these age groups, etc. June 2019 Listen

Roe v Wade & The  US Supreme Court -  Listen To The Two Hearings. The court asked if this is a legal, religious, medical, or other issue. On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas statute banning abortion, that a right to abortion was implicit in the 14th Amendment as a right to privacy. Psychological aspects were also discussed. Soon again to be in the courts, this background might help. May 2019 Listen – 1971 Hearing.  Then the Listen – 1972 Hearing.  

Medical and Psychiatric Needs in Moria, the Greek Refugee Camp. Paul Hart. M.D., in 2019, volunteered his services at Moria, the Greek Refugee Camp. He speaks to the medical, psychiatric and other needs in the camps, the costs, acute versus chronic conditions, family and group cohesion, supply chains, reasons for and the hardships of migration, etc. May 2019  Listen

* Health And Social Impact Realities Of Nuclear Accidents  and Weapons. Peter Wilk, M.D., a psychiatrist, gives a history and updates on the known public health hazards of nuclear accidents and weapons. He believes the weapons provide more psychological insecurity than security, and he provides approaches and links to reduce the ruinous and unapologetic biosocial blows of both nuclear weapon use and when unintended problems occur with other nuclear devices.  May 2019  Listen

* Fewer Bees And The Food Chain -- Maureen McCue, M.D., from Iowa, explains these concerns, and how by prioritizing our needs for food and a lifestyle, and of land devoted to economics rather than nutrient values, we have jeopardized the balance and sustainability of the food chain. This is considered an epic and impending danger, and as a possible extinction event, to our public health and survivability. May 2019  Listen

* Climate Changes: How They Impact Mental Health – Susan Clayton, Ph.D., from the University of Wooster, discusses the known and anticipated impacts that climate changes have on our mental health. She suggests ways to prepare without panic, and to some of the emotional obstacles seen as people prepare for the gamut of lifestyle and community changes that are of real concern.  April 2019 Listen

U.S. Nursing Students -- Care To The Guatemalan Poor -  Rhonda Goodman, R.N., from Lynn University in Florida, reports on her years of taking nursing students to work with the medically underserved, and their many impacts on reducing cervical cancer, childhood  malnutrition, and other conditions, as well as the powerful approaches to medicine fostered in the students by this experience. Her program is successful and flourishing for both patient and student. April 2019  Listen

Adverse Childhood Experiences – Its Nature and Effects.  Ely Niroomand, from the University of Miami, on how traumatic childhood events can produce physical and emotional problems later in life. She gives examples, rating scales, and how it is being used in many professions to reduce and better understand these subsequent life problems. March 2019 Listen

Mass Shootings – Ideas From Two People:  A Shooter’s Mother, and Then An Almost Shooter   These TED talks passionately capture much of the fundamental material and teachings about such tragedies, mental health, guns, and the role of violence, both with and without suicide. Both talks are combined into a single 23-minute audio file; the video files are on YouTube or TED talks.   First, Aaron Star:  why he almost was a mass murderer, then Sue Klebold:  her son was a Columbine School shooter. An interesting note to consider is that both young men cut themselves.  March 2019.  Listen to both talks. 

Bringing The Vulnerable To A Level Of Resilience - Medical Students Visit Their Patient’s Homes. Pedro Greer, M.D., from the Florida International University, describes a flourishing program that puts medical students directly into the patients’ homes to see the many whys and reasons they get sick, cannot get to or afford care, and the other tangible psycho-financial-cultural-social components of their lives, etc. February 2019  Listen

* Heat and The Melting Ice – History, Impacts and What To Do About It -- Alan Lockwood, M.D., addresses the history of, and current pressing scientific concerns, regarding global warming. Included are the growing political, social, physical and psychological (i.e., stress and insecurity) impacts of major changes in fresh water supplies, methane releases, heat, etc. February 2019  Listen

Gun Violence InsightsBill Durston, M.D., former emergency room physician, former US Marine, and now with “Americans Against Gun Violence”, articulately expands the perspective and magnitude of gun violence with history and statistics, including his ideas on how to lessen the problem. February 2019  Listen

* Our Health Changes With Climate Changes – Lynn Ringenberg, M.D., Professor Emeritus at the University of South Florida, expresses her crisis but not panic level of concerns regarding how climate warming and other changes impact our physical and emotional health. February 2019  Listen

Prisoner Suicide - Seena Fazel, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford (England), studies this sizable problem. He speaks to interesting findings and etiologies, which lead to useful suggestions. January 2019  Listen

Executing Someone Who No Longer Remembers Their Crime – US Supreme Court.  Convicted of murder and sentenced to death, post-sentencing medical changes argue there is no longer a memory of the crime; should he be executed?  Many associated mental health issues. Argued in October 2018 as Madison v Alabama.  January 2019 Audio available:  Listen   In February 2019, the court vacated the lower court decision and remanded  for renewed consideration of his capacity to have a rational understanding of why Alabama wants to execute him. Read The Opinion – Audio Not Available

Teaching Psychotherapy to Psychiatrists. Uma Suryadevara, M.D., from the University of Florida, teaches psychiatry residents the art and manners of verbal psychotherapies. She describes the reasons, needs, and challenges of skills with this important aspect of mental health care.  December 2018  Listen

Cognitive Changes as a Domain of Depression. Roger McIntyre, M.D., a psychiatrist from University of Toronto, clearly explains the now better understood cognitive changes during depressions. He also speaks to key diagnostic processes and challenges, the roles of other conditions and medication/substance use, etc. November 2018  Listen

On Depression by Someone Who So Suffers. William Storey suffers from depression. He eloquently articulates and explains his resultant attitude, approach, what advice he offers, and his overall intriguing conceptualizations. October 2018 Listen

Immigration and Judicially Mandated Family Separations – The Psychological Aspects.  Guadalupe Lara, MSW, comments and looks at this process, focuses on the need to understand the culture from which these children come, the roles of family, connections, and love, feeling protected, potential long-term emotional sufferings, the guilt felt by these children, etc.  She has worked with these groups.  September 2018  Listen


The Other Pain Management Techniques. David Casio, Ph.D., outlines the important, non-medical, ‘other’ and often quite effective methods and approaches to managing chronic pain, how long it takes to learn these methods, the positive outcomes, etc.  September 2018  Listen


Sigmund Freud – The Only Known Audio Recording   On December 7, 1938, a BBC radio crew recorded Sigmund Freud in Hampstead, North London. Eighty-one years of age, suffering from advanced jaw cancer. every word was spoken through agony. The pain was unbearable, and several months later he asked his doctor to administer a lethal dose of morphine.  This is the only known audio recording of Freud.  Below is the transcript  Listen  “I started my professional activity as a neurologist trying to bring relief to my neurotic patients. Under the influence of an older friend and by my own efforts, I discovered some important new facts about the unconscious in psychic life, the role of instinctual urges, and so on. Out of these findings grew a new science, psychoanalysis, a part of psychology, and a new method of treatment of the neuroses. I had to pay heavily for this bit of good luck. People did not believe in my facts and thought my theories unsavory. Resistance was strong and unrelenting. In the end I succeeded in acquiring pupils and building up an International Psychoanalytic Association. But the struggle is not yet over.”  --Sigmund Freud, 1938


Common Sense Pain Management Approaches – Daniel Cartledge, M.D., gives an approach style to appropriate pain management and work-up, concurrent emotional problems, traditional and alternative interventions, the proper role of cannabis, etc.  August 2018   Listen


Insights Into Autism – Susan Kabot, Ph.D., speaks to the history and range of presentations of autism, that is also an adult condition with social and relationship realities, of its biases, how to manage it when a child and when in the workforce, etc. August 2018 Listen


Transferring Trauma Across Generations.  Ira Brenner, M.D, speaks about psychological traumas and how the impacts can be transmitted across generations, needed interventions, some diagnostic and biological issues, etc.  July 2018  Listen


Ketamine – An Update. Robert Pollack, a psychiatrist, gives some history of how this medication found a psychiatric utility, proper use protocols, what is thought to be its mechanism of action, its potential future, etc. June 2018 Listen


The Transgender Person Brandi Baumkirchner, PhD, speaks to the inner feelings of gender dissonance, then transition challenges, of helping transitioning families, the importance of using the correct language, etc. May 2018 Listen


Attention Deficit Conditions in Older Adults. David Goodman, MD, emphasizes the nature, treatment, proper diagnosis, and other measures of ADD disorders in older adults. April 2018 Listen


Understanding The Placebo, Including Its Clinical Use Walter Brown, MD, from Brown University, speaks to the fascinating history of, nature of, and the potential clinical use of the placebo in treatment, including in substance abuse treatment.  April 2018  Listen.


Psychological Approaches To Trauma, Such As A School Shooting. Danny Brom, Ph.D., founder of the Israeli Center for Treatment of Psychotrauma, lays out the nature of trauma and then gives basic, time-proven suggestions to professionals, family, and the larger community, on how to best understand and manage the levels of the emotional responses, for different age groups, following such gruesome events. February 2018 Listen

The Emotional Component Of Pain. Jay Goldman, DDS and LCSW, who ran the Orofacial Pain and TMJ Clinic at the NYU Dental School, gives important perspectives on the understanding and treating of chronic pain. He is now a psychotherapist. January 2018  Listen

Cellular Receptors. James Woods, a psychiatrist in Memphis, explains the notions and roles of cellular receptors in the treatment of psychiatric conditions, and how advances here will improve diagnostic and treatment accuracy. Common receptors are 5HT’s for the serotonin and D2, D3, etc., for the dopamine systems. January 2018  Listen

The Process of Growing Up. Susan Neiman, Ph.D., director of the Einstein Forum in Berlin, explores the experiences and stages needed to ‘grow up.”  She brings us a thought provoking mixture of philosophical and other processes in the development of maturity.  January 2018.  Listen

Update/Overview of Movement Disorders. Bruno Gallo, M.D., a neurologist in Miami, speaks in an understandable manner about ataxia, dyskinesia, Parkinson’s Disease, tremors, chorea, etc. He talks of causes and of the established and new treatments. He ends with an explanation of deep brain stimulation. December 2018 Listen

A County State Attorney’s Efforts To Conquer The Opioid Crisis.  Palm Beach County (Florida) State Attorney Dave Aronberg gives an overview of the problem and then speaks to his taskforce’s work to stop, using legal tools, the destructive cycle of sober homes, patient brokering, and insurance loopholes which feed and encourage the opioid crisis. This includes arrests made of those involved with these activities, working with other groups and agencies, etc. November 2017   Listen


Cannabis and Chronic Pain – A Literature Review -- Devan Kansagara, MD., speaks to the current station of cannabis use in the control of chronic pain, the real research interests, suggesting how physicians should address marijuana use with their patients, potential of risks, etc. November 2017  Listen


The Critical Psychology Of Living Spaces – Architect Terrence Glassman on our connections to our living spaces, a bit of a history overview, the emotional and functional aspects of a healthy environment and sense of a safe community, his shift from knowing how to design to learning what to design, etc.  November 2017  Listen


Integrating Chronic Pain Treatment With Co-Existing Mental Health Problems. David Cosio, Ph.D., addresses this common problem and how to approach it. He offers his clinical experiences and observations, with a co-emphasis on educating clinicians on the need for treatment consistency and team efforts. September 2017   Listen


Residential Programs for the Mentally Ill A Successful Model.  Elaine Rothenberg, Ph.D., directs such a program in SE Florida. With 20 years of existence, it has evolved into a project that deserves a close study and considerable modeling.  September 2017  Listen


The Binge Eater – Roslyn Malmaud, Ph.D., discusses the nature, common etiology, symbolisms, and treatment of binge eating and this type of attachment to food. It happens in men too. This is an understandable, ground level look at basic dynamics and real-time interventions. August 2017 Listen


Tools for Tardive Dyskinesia and Parkinson’s Psychosis – Jonathan Meyer, M.D., from the University of California-San Diego.  Part one discusses two new medications for tardive dyskinesia; part two addresses the psychosis often seen in Parkinson’s Disease. Detailed, but easy to understand. August 2017 Listen


Understanding Hemingway’s Brain Andrew Farah, M.D., psychiatrically integrates the genetic background, the numerous concussions, his alcoholism, his suicide, and his genius. August 2017. Listen


Mental Health in Saudi Arabia – Update.  Haifa Gahtani and Yasser Dabbagh, both psychiatrists in Saudi Arabia, openly discuss the history and growing roles and practices of mental health care in Saudi Arabia. Included are topics of culture and religion, women, and even insurance issues. July 2017  Listen


The Opioid Crisis – Needed Information.  Robert Moran, M.D., psychiatry and addictionology, outlines issues of etiology, prevention and intervention, the failure to use evidence based science and medicine, relapses, addiction and pregnancy, etc. June 2017. Listen


Smoking – An Update from the CDC.  Dr. Brian King, deputy director at the U.S. Center for Disease Control, for Research Translation in the Office of Smoking and Health, speaks to first hand and second hand smoke, anti-smoking educational real successes and challenges, acknowledged medical concerns, socioeconomic use patterns, state legislative differences, smoking advertising, etc.  April 2017  Listen


Cultural Insensitivity, Prejudice, & Dangerous Profiling. Gail Price-Wise discusses a famous Miami malpractice case which was the result of defective and negligent culture-driven errors. She has since set up the Center for Cultural Competence to study and teach how to defuse prejudice and related bias. She shares her insights. March 2017  Listen


On Being a Cuban Refuge to the USA.  Jose de la Gandara and Rigo Rodriguez are both psychiatrists. Both left, as children, Cuba’s Castro government. They speak to the emotional and mechanical processes, the impacts on their lives and families, some of their personal histories when they lived in Cuba, of their on-going concerns about human rights in Cuba and elsewhere, and the deep insights from the residual and feelings that still live within them. January 2017  Listen


Genetic Testing and Mental Health Treatment. Catherine Passariello, Ph.D., explains how to use genetic testing in psychopharmacology. She also explains the differences between pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic processes, a brief overview of epigenetics, etc. December 2016.  Listen


My Yes, and Then My No, of Cigarette Use. Rebecca Cox-MacDonald gives her story of tobacco use, why she started and how she stopped. One element is to be passionate about quitting and to respect one’s body. She is part of a U.S. Center for Disease Control anti-smoking project. November 2016  Listen


On Women and Their Inner Lives – Jacqueline Hobbs, M.D., from the University of Florida, Department of Psychiatry, speaks to the traumas of sexual disrespect and abuse, cultural issues of expectations, libido changes, breastfeeding, hormonal realities, pregnancy and/or post-partum and mental illness, the need for a safe place to discuss these issues, etc. October 2016 Listen


Poverty, Growth, and Mental Illness – Amanda Terrell, Ph.D., offers her concrete professional observations and concerns. She works to reach out to families to reduce how poverty impacts mental, social and physical growth. October 2016.  Listen


L-Methylfolate, Homocysteine and Depression. – Andrew Farah, M.D., revisits and details the roles of these substances in the treatment of depression, the theory, the prospects, and how it may shift approaches to some biological depressions. August 2016  Listen


Art Therapy – A Powerful Tool.  Myria Levick, Ph.D. is a pioneer, teacher, and researcher in art therapy. She discusses, with examples, how useful it can be across all ages and how it can be helpful to understand emotional and cognitive development in children. She speaks as well about working with Anna Freud. (Recorded in her living room.) July 2016. Listen


Dementia – Understanding and Managing. Kenneth Kosik, M.D., neuroscientist and author from University of California (Santa Barbara), speaks to the treatment, research goals and expectations, and practical life style changes that can mitigate its onset and course. June 2016   Listen


* Mental Health After Disasters – Orlando, et. al. -- Robert Ursano, M.D., Chair of Disaster Psychiatry for the American Psychiatric Association, carefully explains typical post event reactions, the better style of interventions, details acute from chronic reactions, etc. June 2016  Listen


‘Into The Magic Shop’ – James Doty, M.D., a neurosurgeon, retells the story (in his book of the same name) that changed his life insofar as helping him be a more humanistic physician, the role of mentors, pacing oneself, choice of values,  etc., all leading to the creation of the Center for Compassion and Altruism and Education at Stanford University. May 2016 Listen


Living in the International Space Station – Tom Marshburn, M.D., and an US astronaut, speaks to the science and his two experiences in space, first working in the shuttle and then living in the space station, and of the many research spin offs, the life patterns in space, of no gravity, medical changes, etc., giving us many fascinating details. April 2016. Listen


The Aging Process – Attitudinal and Other Aspects – Deirdre Robertson, Ph.D., describes her research into cognitive and physical decline, fragility, and how perceptions of aging mitigate the aging process, etc.  From The Irish Longitudinal Study of Aging ( She is now at Columbia University, NY.  April 2016. Listen


Gambling – Luke Clark, Ph.D., from the University of British Columbia, explains gambling: the impetus, evolving theories, characteristics, the drive, that it is an addiction, and the interventions and treatments. February 2016. Listen


The Zika Virus - Larry Bush, M.D., specializes in infectious diseases. He examines the nature, history, and concerns with the Zika virus outbreaks. February 2016. Listen


Helping Veterans – Mary Houlahan, R.N, and former Captain with the US Marines, offers a poignant explanation about the importance of knowing about a person’s military history as part of their medical care, of trust issues with veterans, and of the critical, yet simple and ever so powerful impact of reaching out to them. February 2016 Listen


* As The Sea Level Rises – Roderick King, M.D., from the Florida Institute of Health Innovation and an Associate Professor, Dept. of Public Health Sciences, University of Miami School of Medicine, steadily details the challenges, and how the world must coordinate efforts to offset and adapt to changes in society, the geography of some of our communities, medical issues, weather changes, etc., in response to global climate change. January 2016. Listen


Physician Burnout – Penelope Ziegler, M.D., outlines the process, common causes, nature, and needed interventions related to physician burnout. These patterns apply to other professions as well. Dr. Ziegler is the medical director of the Professionals Resource Network (Florida). December 2015  Listen


All About Group Therapy – Holly Katz, Ph.D., explains the reasons, approaches, roles, and great value of group therapy. She addresses the unique dynamics occurring in groups, core differences support versus counseling groups, between individual and group interactions, and doing so in an easy to understand and engaging manner. She is the training director at the Faulk Center for Group Therapy in Boca Raton, Fl.  November 2015. Listen 


My Life Being Bipolar – Hakeem Rahim suffers from a bipolar disorder. He describes how the impact it has on his life. He works as a very active advocate and speaks on mental health issues and challenges. Also attached at the end of this interview is a recording of his testimony on mental health to a US Congressional Committee. November 2015 Listen


* Sustainability Challenges – Cultural, Economic, and Environmental Natalie Schneider, Climate Change and Sustainability Coordinator for Palm Beach County (Florida), outlines the necessary concepts and challenges to maintain sustainability, how to grow in a manner that allows future generations to have available resources, how people adapt to these demands, etc. October 2015 Listen


Chronic Pain in Kids, Teenagers, and the Elderly – Kern Olson, Ph.D., a pain psychologist, discusses the common pain types in these three groups, and the importance of behavioral interventions, the ability to articulate pain, family involvements, sleep issues, medications’ role, and marijuana use, etc. October 2015. Listen


* Sugar Cane Burning – The Downwind Health Effects.  Julia Hathaway, from the Sierra Club, describes the concerns about the health effects of large scale sugar cane burning, and why and how other countries use green harvesting instead. October 2015   Listen


* Pesticides and Our Health – Jeannie Economos explains the serious health concerns regarding pesticide exposure, including effects on human development, fertility, and disease, the need for medical attention to occupational exposure, endocrine disruption, informational links, and the Lake Apopka story. (Co-posted with Palm Beach County Medical Society) August 2015 Listen


Pseudobulbar Affect – William Ondo, M.D., from the University of Texas, explains this disorder, of how an expressed emotion is not always matched to the felt emotion, its possible role in brain injuries, Parkinsonism, Lew Gehrig disease, or dementia, and its history and its treatment.  August 2015. Listen


Grassroots Mental Health – Pakistan. – Dr. Zulqurnain Asghar, a psychologist in Islamabad, describes the unmet mental illness challenges in his country. These include his work with a mental health camp and a program to empower women through education, designed to prevent and deal with mental and other health problems. (More background at  July 2015. Listen


Three Psychiatrists’ Concerns About Marijuana – Three psychiatrists, Aldo Morales, Dean Rotondo and Abbey Strauss, share their concerns and experiences with the clinical aspects of marijuana use. From a forum of April 29, 2015, in Palm Beach County, Fl. Opening comments by Donna Hearn, Ph.D. July 2015 Listen


The Mental Health Court – Judge Ginger Lerner-Wren presides over the 18 year old award winning mental health court in Broward County, Florida. Hear her intriguing comments to its history, philosophy, challenges, and style. June 2015 Listen


The Common Language of Science In September 1941, Albert Einstein wrote and read on London’s Science Conference this 8 minute piece on language, science, and mental health. This is that essay in Einstein’s own voice. June 2015 Listen


Decriminalizing the Mentally Ill – Judge Steven Leifman, 11th Judicial Court (Florida), recounts his entry into dealing with the mentally ill, gives an overview and history of mental health and the courts, why problems developed, and outlines the good changes made in Dade County that can be a model for other communities. May 2015 Listen


Flakka – Another Designer Drug -- Krithika Iyer, M.D., explains the nature and great danger of this newest of the designer drugs. Her comments stem from theory and actual clinical experiences with its users. April 2015. Listen


Why Speak About ADD? -- Elias Sarkis, M.D., speaks to other aspects of the condition, the differences between child and adult presentations, how it can so dramatically impact the course of a person’s life, etc. April 2015 Listen


Dementia Update – Neil Buckholtz, Ph.D., Director of Neurosciences at the National Institute of Aging (part of the NIH) discusses in detail the state of the research and treatment domains for dementia. March 2015. Listen


Infidelity – Jesse Selkin, Psy.D., discusses the definition of infidelity, culture variances, the role of web pornography, the role of trust, and the nature of styles of relationships in which infidelity is associated. March 2015.  Listen


Telemedicine – Donna Vanderpool, J.D., a medical malpractice carrier’s risk manager, explains the rising presence of telemedicine, it’s history, it’s potential, and it’s dangers, including a discussing of privacy and various state requirements, even for psychotherapy only. February 2015. Listen


Measles Again -- Really Larry Bush, M.D., explains why measles has returned, how it is spread, the concepts and history of vaccinations, and that the major tools against infection are sanitation and vaccination. February 2015. Listen


Post-Traumatic Growth -- Susan Gallagher-Ross, Ph.D., explains how trauma can lead to growth with certain psychological concepts and approaches, all to help people better develop and thrive following a crisis. She presents some personal experiences as well. January 2015 Listen


Stalking – Phil Heller, Psy.D., talks with blunt detail about the make-up of stalkers, rejection and rage, what triggers stalking, the legal challenges, how to deal with it, etc. December 2014 Listen


The Robin Williams’ Suicide – Mindy Rosenbloom, M.D., considers the reality and risk factors of depression and suicide regardless of economic and social positions. We also spoke of the special place Mr. Williams had in our society. November 2014 Listen


Sexual Pressures on Special Needs Girls – Maureen Whelihan, M.D., a gynecologist, openly discusses the sexual worlds’ of special needs girls, including birth control, social pressures, emancipation, relationships, advice to parents, etc. Some comments overlap the needs of mainstream girls as well. October 2014  Listen


Effects of Adolescent Marijuana Use - Edmund Silins, Ph.D., explains his recently published study on the consequences on school completion, suicide, and subsequent illicit drug abuse in those who smoked marijuana before and through age 17. October 2014. Listen


Latino’s and Their Mental Health Needs – Daniel Jimenez, Ph.D., highlights the importance of critically understanding the harmonics of cultural backgrounds of Latino’s when they have mental health needs. October 2014.  Listen


Inflammation and Psychiatry A New World Charles Raison, M.D., explores this fascinating new world that connects inflammation and psychiatric issues, the research, the theories, and the possible new set of understanding and treatments. September 2014. Listen


Understanding Menopause -- Maureen Whelihan, M.D., gynecologist, presents the practical data, interventions, and some truths about this very real phase of life event. August 2014 Listen


The Industrialization of Marijuana: Reflections of Tobacco?  Kimber Richter, Ph.D., (University of Kansas) and Sharon Levy, M.D. (Harvard University) discuss the effects of industrializing marijuana as a public health issue that reflects  the history of the tobacco industry. August 2014 Listen


Ebola -- Larry Bush, M.D., an infectious disease specialist, explains Ebola and other viral concerns, including origin, spread, treatment, and prevention. August 2014   Listen


Psychiatry and Space Travel – Ronald Moomaw, D.O., NASA flight surgeon/psychiatry, explains the unique challenges and methods of supporting those in long term space flight. He is directly involved with the International Space Station project. A fascinating look into this area. July 2014 Listen


Ketamine and Depression. Charles Nemeroff, M.D., Chair of the Department of Psychiatry (University of Miami) discusses the history, nature of, and dangers to ketamine use as we currently understand it, but that careful research with ketamine may give us clues and tools into a clinically safe intervention to help the truly treatment resistant depression. July 2014.  Listen


Visit - The Medical Marijuana Module podcasts in conjunction with the Palm Beach County Medical Society Podcast Series.



Blending Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis – Mark Solms, Ph.D., from South Africa, brings these two domains into a necessary union because both are integral aspects of our lives. He is also co-chair of the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society. June 2014. Listen


Cellular Receptors and Psychiatric Medications – Youssef Hausson, M.D., from Zucker-Hillside Hospital in New York City, discusses the common cellular receptors (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.) important to the treatment of certain psychiatric conditions. June 2014.  Listen


Medical Marijuana – David Gross, M.D., takes on this critical topic. He discusses the possible medical potential that might follow trustworthy scientific research, concerns with the exposure – especially to the teenage brain -- to the marijuana plant, potential legal challenges, etc. April 2014   Listen   


Please visit our joint efforts and colleagues at the Palm Beach County Medical Society Podcast Series – many of these are co-posted.                        


Click here to go to our other podcasts. Experts talk about depression, use of medications in children, aging issues, suicide, bullying, forensic issues, PTSD, managing psychological trauma, hypnosis, teenage cutting, borderline personality, dementia, and so on; there are over 310 episodes, with more to come.  Make us a ‘Favorite’ so it is easy to return.

Important Note: All treatment decisions must result from a doctor-patient process. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the host or either the Florida Psychiatric Society or the Palm Beach County Medical Society. New information may develop since the time the interview occurred; consult your physician before any clinical decision is made. Find us also on iTunes. Comments or questions go to  Unrestricted production underwriting is generously provided by The Wellington Retreat, Florida, and the Palm Beach County Psychiatric Society. 

© 2023 Florida Psychiatric Society or © 2023 Palm Beach County Medical Society – each organization for its own podcasts. 

And again, thanks for listening.